Reduce Investment Costs and Improve Your Building’s Performance Through an Optimization Simulation
Energy optimization simulations consists of a bioclimatic dynamic analysis of your building or project’s digital recreation. This allows to provide a robust evaluation of its future performance during its design and decision making phase. This thorough assessment enables the identification and implementation of adjustments geared towards reducing energy consumption and enhancing overall comfort.
However, the benefits extend beyond the operational phase, as potential savings can be realized through a reduction of the development costs during the construction phase. These savings result from the optimization of specific building features existing in the current design that increase cost without providing value.
Moreover, the focus on reducing operational carbon emissions and energy costs not only aligns with local regulations but also adheres to European Taxonomy standards. Beyond cost-related benefits, the optimization process contributes to maximizing control over thermal, acoustic, and lighting aspects of the project, enhancing its overall quality and sustainability.